Not Horrible, Just...Okay
28 March 2008
The apocalypse has occurred, only not due to nuclear war or global warming-we just ran out of oil. Anyways, A group of survivors find a girl(Rachel Miner), and take her in. Unfortunately, they have also found themselves under siege thanks to a gang of cannibals (which include Vinnie Jones and Michael Madsen) who look like they just walked off the set of "The Road Warrior."

Best described as "The Hills Have Eyes" meets a "Mad Max" knock off, "Tooth & Nail" is a mixed bag that can best be described a a movie that doesn't live up to it's full potential. While the acting is good (Who knew Rider Strong would turn out to be such a good actor?), and the kills and gore are impressive, the movie suffers from some poorly done twists. Okay, the twist at the films conclusion isn't too bad, but the other twist in the film can be seen miles away.

Another problem is the way that it wastes Michael Madsen, Vinnie Jones, and Robert Carradine in their roles. Watching the movie, you feel like you should have gotten more of these guys. A shame really.

In the end, "Tooth & Nail", in spite of a few scares, some good acting, and nice gore, is hurt by a sense of wasted potential. It's not a horrible move, or even a bad one, it's just an okay movie.
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