Waste of a good cast
30 March 2008
When I saw that this movie was rated only 4.8 despite such a strong cast, I was surprised. Now I know why it rates so low. The dialogue is confusing and aimless, and the director loves bizarre camera angles and movements that only serve to distract, rather than to illuminate or reveal.

The pacing is far too slow. It's been going 40 minutes, and I still don't know what it's about. If I hadn't read the blurb I wouldn't know that Johnny Depp was supposed to be somehow different now that he's back. The movie hasn't made that point yet. And it never will, as far as I'm concerned. It hasn't held my attention and now I'm writing this comment instead.

Purposeless writing and obtrusive, gimmicky direction waste a competent cast and, for all I know, a clever story.
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