WrestleMania XXIV (2008 TV Special)
31 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This wrestlemania went well not as exciting and hyped as i thought it was going to be but it did prove some surprises.

Match 1.24 man battle royal went OK could of been more exciting but then again it was a dark match.Winner Kane Match 2 (Start of the show).We had Finlay face John Bradshaw Layfield in a Belfast brawl could of been more exciting.Winner JBL Match 3.This years money in the bank went off well we had some guys who have been there before and some new ones,John Morrison did a excellent moonsault of the top rope with a ladder in his hands we had a lot of ladder fight and Shelton Benjamin had a nasty fall through a ladder,MVP almost won it but we had a Hardy 1.0 appear and Twisted MVP's dreams of winning it down the drain,It finally came down to Chris Jericho(I'am a jericho fan)and Cm Punk Y2J came close but Cm Punk caused y2J to get hung up in the ladder allowing Him to capture the briefcase and the contract for a championship anytime anywhere.Winner Cm Punk.

Match 4.This battle for brand supremacy went OK could of been better but the match was fast paced for some reason i thought there were gonna be some table bombings overall Batista finishes it with The Batista Bomb.Winner Batista

Match 5.SQUASH MATCH need i say more chavo went down after a 1-2-3 in 9 seconds from a choke slam about time Kane its been 6 years since you won a singles belt now don't lose it in one day just like you did to Austin.Winner Kane New ECW Champion

Match 6.This is the match i was waiting for i had an idea who was gonna win but Flair was the best wrestler ever in my opinion but he went down without a fight, It was a well fought match and was the true main event. I was put to tears at the end HBK wins by SCM if you don't know what SCM means you haven't been around for long.Winner HBK

Match 7.I watched it and found it exciting and fun the diva's hot as always and a good match, The crew had a malfunction with the lights and had to use a another source of light so the crowd could see. Although Maria and Ashley lost,Santino got a trip down snoop dog lane after a clothesline from the rapper and then to top it off Snoop gave maria a smooch for putting on a show and santino got reported out the arena hopefully to the nearest Asylum.Winners Melina And WC:Beth Phonenix

Match 8.Why this wasn't the main event well the title change no hands the match teased who was gonna win around between john cena and triple h but overall the opportunist Orton stole the win and retained after triple h scored a pedigree and got a congratulations from Orton by getting punted in the head.Winner Orton

Match 9.It was OK although may weather didn't take much of a beating his handlers took the most beatings may weather wins it and leaves with out any broken bones although i believes brass knuckles would knock someone out,Sorda like deja vu when cena knocked big show at WM 20.Winner Floyd may weather

Match 10.Well Streak vs Streak Edge vs Undertaker it went OK and the match was well enough for me but the edge heads should of gotten involved earlier but undertaker wins it by putting edge in the horrifying submission winning the Big Gold Belt.winner undertaker 16-0 BABY

Overall this wrestlemania had a good show could of done better but good. 7 out of 10
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