Review of Camera

Camera (II) (2000)
The 'movie' your stop button was invented for
1 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The point of the Dogme rules was that they might produce simpler, less excessive, less over-reaching, more honest movies. But the rules have NEVER produced that result. And somehow this flaccid movie still overreaches. All of von Triers movies made since the adoption of the rules have been mediocre or just plain awful. (Note to Lars: please go back to your Zentropa phase. Although packed with pretension, Zentropa was still his least pretentious work, and pretty astonishing.)

This movie represents the complete abdication of thoughtful content, judicious editing, film-making standards... you name it. And Martini has some really low standards that allow him to think he's making something of merit. This is a concept in search of decent execution. And it's not a fresh concept by any stretch. That the camera continually ends up in the hands of young, attractive, horny, white actors means your real aspiration is to give free reign to your own horniness which isn't of much interest to others.

The little of this incompetent, uncritical and stupid movie I could take was exactly as half-hearted as anyone's first movie made with a videocam. Taking refuge under the "It's supposed to look cheap and cheesy" umbrella is as pathetic as it's always been. Put the focus back on the content and toss out this masturbatory device. As a bonus, the fact that this was acceptable on Dogme terms, also means the Dogme rules are a pile of crap. This is completely undeserving of general release.
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