The Deputy Dawg Show (1959–1972)
Viewing the Deputy Dawg scenes on IMDb?
4 April 2008
Deputy Dawg was one of my favorite cartoons as a child, but right now I'm trying to recall if he's the one who talked really slow - almost as if he had a mouthful of marbles - and was always saying "oh me, oh my"... But, I haven't figure out how to access the film clips on the IMDb website ~ would someone please enlighten me on the process for viewing the Deputy Dawg show? Thanks. Hey, while I'm on the topic of cartoons... one of my other favorites was the dog - sheepdog? - who, when given a treat, would hug himself, float up into the air (laying down)and then gently float back down to the ground when he exhaled - sighing delightedly all the way. Anyone remember the name of that cartoon? Thanks for your assistance! Lorena
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