The Twilight Zone: The Lateness of the Hour (1960)
Season 2, Episode 8
as old as the first machine.
6 April 2008
Like many episodes of this series, this one tells an interesting story. It peeks into one of the yearning questions that bothers men as science progresses and somehow seems to escape the stiff control of the human being. The story has haunted people since our early days: The creation that revolts against the creator has one of its classic takes on Frankenstein, so maybe the variations of the theme shouldn't surprise us anymore; nevertheless it still has the force to impress us. But what is startling is that this episode was shot 47 years ago, but it has aged well. The question haunts us today as it has for 200 years. Nowadays we not only talk about robots, but we speak about cloning human beings. So our fears not only haven't diminished, but they have increased geometrically. To add to the interest of this episode is the acting of Inger Stevens as the daughter. Not only is she one of the most beautiful presences of the screen, but she carries quite well the drama of the story. Her acting subtly conveys the predicaments of the confrontation of men against the machine. This combination of great acting skills in such an attractive creature is rarely seen today.
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