Review of Deal

Deal (I) (2008)
It looks like ANOTHER ad for a poker conglomerate
10 April 2008
Another dud poker film.

Why? Two main reasons; firstly, it does not look and feel like film. The script is really lazy: where was the REAL education, where was something we haven't seen a thousand times before. It is no way and at no time touches the heart and soul of the game. Plus it just looks and feels like a TV made movie: there is no attempt to use film to compliment the story, the grading, lighting, editing etc; are some of the most unoriginal I've seen for a while (And don't get me started on Reynold's hairpiece).

And secondly, and for my money this is incredibly off putting the whole film reeks of being an ad for a poker company and its site - there is just no integrity, and not enough fun, excitement, or film here.

The positives are the chemistry between the leads is good and that makes it just viewable for a really lazy beer and pizza night...

But it's really just 90 minutes of regurgitated slick willy crap.

Hugely disappointing, the best thing about this was the trailer....
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