Teen Titans (2003–2006)
Teen Titans: a drastic spin on an older comic book series that works, in my opinion
12 April 2008
A rant: I do not see why all of these previous comments here are so hateful. If you read them carefully and inspect where they were written, these people have watched a maximum of probably 5 episodes. To me, that is like judging a movie by watching twenty minutes of it and leaving the theater and giving the movie a bad name. Honestly, it is a show for the family and really isn't meant to be a hard-hitting cartoon because most parents with 10 year old aren't really looking for them to be watching a show that is too dramatic for their age. Also, while I enjoy Justice League like a lot of people, I think the plot gets a bit too complex for the adolescent mind and the kids just end up watching the show for the action scenes rather than to know what the story is. This is a show meant for various audiences therefore they have to make the story condensed in each episode in order to keep a child's attention span, yet the writers manage to put enough in their to provide you with a substantial amount to keep an adult or teen interested.

My rant is pretty much over.

Review: I began watching this show when I was 11 and have been a comic book fan long before then. I used to watch my brother's tapes of Batman the Animated series and have watched countless animated comics and watch anime, and I also read comics and manga. I remember being excited for the premier of this show and was anything but disappointed when the episode ended. From then on I've been a die-hard fan of the show and while I grew up and my views on movies and shows I enjoyed changed, I was consistently entertained and enthralled in this show. I've seen at lease every episode 5 times and never tire of the plot or characters. I'll admit, this show wasn't immaculate or anything, but it was a very entertaining show and embodied many likable traits in it. Personally, I really enjoyed the animation style; while it wasn't your typical Justice League or Batman animation, it tried to keep up beat with new wave of Japanese animation that is rushing over America. Not only that, but I love how the character's are younger and more relatable to kids than the older Titans (who weren't even really "teens" as we like to label them in today's society), how well they interlock and how their characterization develops more from their interaction with each other and with other characters in the series. I find the series to be very stylized and well done and I believe the writing and depth of the series grows along with the characters and their conflicts and triumphs. It also conveys very wholesome messages on friendship, teamwork, and how even people with superpowers have everyday troubles like love and quarreling, making them more realistic and not invincible (like superman...).

To sum it up: I greatly enjoy this series and would recommend it to most people. I do not believe it deserves all the bad credit it gets from fans of the comics who just don't want to give into change and how different it may be from their ideal animated series. This is up there with Cartoon Network's best animated series in my book and is probably on of the last of good cartoons we are going to see from Cartoon Network for a while. Please, give it a chance and form your own opinion.

My rating: 10/10

-comment by Blue-
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