excellent intelligent revenge movie with a very sarcastic sense of humor.
15 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
boy i was over pleased with this(maybe because i did not have high expectations since never seen an add for it? ) reading the reviews of how low the budget was and especially 20 days of shooting sound unreal to me for such a top notch cast and especially directorial credits.

i absolutely love the political undertones such as "oh boy i did not that the united states are not as pro-syndicates as much as i thought", and that coming from a character that is a Cuban political refugee.you will have to see the context in which this happens, i almost fall of the chair laughing on this one.

unlike many action movies this days( or even worse comedy actions)this one has a CLEAR focus without many inner-thoughts and supposable "choices" normal people theoretically have. the movie shows the wonders of "direct action" in a very intelligent, non-violent way.everyone has doubts about getting onto the heist but once the target is reviled as a multimillionaire Argentinian "shark" representing the pro-globalization salesman movement, everyone is willing to take the calculated risk involved.all the team members put effort and especially passion in see the things done right. the bad guy slowly reveals himself as being a pure evil character that indeed feeds on and gets more wealthy from the suffering of others, especially his own Latin group. this guy shows a level of narcissism typical to Latin telenovelas but with tragic social-economic implications in the movie context. the puns taken at Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts and other media made "stars" are very hilarious and witty)))) also this scene show a naivety based on perceptions that are familiar to telenovelas viewers regardless of which country/culture one would be part of.

the character called "primitivo" makes such hilarious scenes sometimes by name alone, and mot just in a "simplistic" approach))), the references to Castro are darn hilarious; the movie does not seem to pick a side even if its intentions are to show insights onto globalization as we feel it, not necessary seeing the whole "details"; and there are many attempts at portrayng those, generally within a very funny framework that not even the "big guy" would resist cracking a few loughs at least)))

i have never seen any of this actors before and i was surprised of how great their chemistry is without "over the top" vibes.the two hit planners have the physical and spiritual appeal of classic revenge movie genre.the female characters are absolutely delightfully and provides excellent Latin type of comic relief that goes both ways.

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