The X-Files: Small Potatoes (1997)
Season 4, Episode 20
'Hilarious' is the perfect description
22 April 2008
A lot of fans have a problem with The X-Files doing comedy. Myself, not so much. For me, it's all part of the diversity and creativity of the show, and I'd rather have comedy episodes that aren't brilliant than horror episodes ala season 1 which don't really deliver. Fortunately, "Small Potatoes" IS brilliant.

This is Vince Gilligan's first real comedy episode, and it works wonderfully. Written by one great X-Files writer and the lead guest actor in the episode is another great X-Files writer, Darin Morgan. You just have to love Darin Morgan as Eddie Van Blundht.

Just about all of "Small Potatoes" is hilarious. Outside of "Jose Chung's 'From Outer Space'" and "Bad Blood", it's by far the funniest X-File there has ever been and more than deserving of its highly respected status.

I can never look at Star Wars the same way.

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