Doctor Who: Planet of the Ood (2008)
Season 4, Episode 3
Worst episode of season 4 so far
22 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This episode started out good, with the Doctor and Donna finding the dying Ood and seeing it turn red-eyed, but it went all downhill from there. The turning of the bad guy into an Ood was disgusting and the song of the Ood had too much of a human religious element to it. And the Ood at the end saying that their children and their children's children and so forth will remember the Doctor and Donna forever was just overdoing it, I think they should just have left right after the Ood were saved. Also, Donna has expressed a wish to go home twice in the past two episodes, yet she remains. Why?

I do like a few lines in it though, like Donna's line, "Why do you say Miss? Do I look single?" were hilarious. I also like the Ood's line, "I think your song must end soon...Every song must end." Very suspicious.

So one point for the funny lines and the song line, one point for being off Earth (finally!), and one point for just being Doctor Who, making a grand total of 3/10. Bleh
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