Review of Metamorphosis

Star Trek: Metamorphosis (1967)
Season 2, Episode 9
Lovin' The Gaseous Alien.
23 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
One of the visually best episodes, one that Drekkies probably find dull. "Nothing happens here, man!" That's true; our Captain resists the urge to show off his Kirk-Fu skills by trying to chop-sokey the gaseous alien into the groin, Spock harasses no-one with his neck-pinch, and no red-shirts lose their lives to enemies - the same enemies with which Kirk eventually makes peace anyway.

This episode is very well-acted however, with above-average dialogue, and an interesting setting and story. The only annoying thing I found here was that little floozy continually bitching, moaning, whining. If this were McCoy's ex-wife or some bored space housewife then I'd understand, but a high-ranking Federation diplomat? Aren't diplomats supposed to have a thick skin and plenty of patience? Not in Roddenberry's universe they don't. His diplomats are always cantankerous complainers. Thankfully, some diseases kill just in time, so once she's taken over by the lovin' gas, she calms down.

There is one logic flaw. How can a man spend 150 years with this gas - and a high-IQ man at that - and not realize that the bleedin' gas is in love with him? It's rather far-fetched that Kirk, a mere Captain, would almost straight away notice something which Methuselah failed to notice in all that time. And it's not as if he had cable TV and tennis to distract his thoughts away to anything else, either!
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