what happened?
25 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The truth is that a lot of people have played the games and i believe that actually more than few of them have enjoyed them. What was unique about the G.U. trilogy as a game was the amazing story line that kept u on your toes. A story about love, friendship, respect for others and yourself. A truly mature way to depict how can someone like Haseo (main character) can change from a spoiled, annoying and selfish brat to a considerate, wiser and kind man. It is also a story about taking responsibility and self sacrifice.As it is obvious, such a story would need catalysts to progress a.k.a. various supplementary characters. These are missing from this movie, turning it from a story of a journey towards self improvement to a story of rivalry between two men. That would not be too bad if someone had to consider that the creators tried to fit about 100 hrs of gameplay into an 1,5 hr film what is bad is that they made the characters two dimensional, left many parts unexplained ( who or what is tri edge) and didn't not give them proper motivation for their actions. Artisticaly it is beautiful (although not like advent children from ff franchise), the music satisfactory, and... of you are an Ovan fan (like myself) a must see not only for the amazing dueling sequence between him and Haseo but also for the alternate ending... By the way if anyone is interested more about G.U. the can always watch .hack//roots which is an anime TV series... not sure if this movie would have any appeal on anybody who hasn't played the games. What a shame...
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