An okay made for TV sequel
25 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Universal Soldier is a great action movie and a fun movie, Universal Solider: The Return isn't has good as the first but it is defiantly entertaining if you switch off your mind. Universal Soldier II is a unofficial sequel which was shot back to back with Universal Solider III; Unfinished Bussinss and was made for television. Univeral Soldier II and III doesn't star the muscles from Brussels Jean Claude Van-Damme has the main character Luc Dexeraux but instead Matt Battaglia, his performance isn't as good as Van Damme's but he does an okay job at portraying the emotionless UniSol. The acting from the other actors are okay, being a TV movie you can't expect Grade A acting. Then again some action movies don't have Grade A acting since it's the action most people want to see. One thing that makes Universal Soldier II Ches is the fact that it does have a huge amount of unnecessary zoom in shots and unnecessary slow motion scenes, plus the music they play doesn't really go with what's happening. They play the song "Spirt in the Sky" while a group of soldiers meet up, the action and fighting isn't has good as the first but I guess since it was a made for TV movie they didn't have a big budget for big action scenes.

The film starts off right where the first film ended with Luc and Scott fighting outside his home, the next day Luc is taking a bath in ice to cool his body temperature down. That night a group of people working on the Univeral Soldier activate a device in Luc's body which will make him return to them. In the morning Veronica and Luc's parents discover that he's missing, Veronica then goes to find him before something happens. Luc is taken by the military and reused in the Universal Soldier programme, meanwhile Veronica infiltrates the compound and finds that Luc's brother Eric has been kept in storage. She breaks him out and they sneak into a van. Luc and the other UniSols go into the van and are transported to there location, Eric and Veronica are soon found out. Luc sees his brother and another memory makes him uncontrollable again, he helps Veronica and Eric out by attacking the guards. Luc and Veronica manage to escape from the vehicle but Eric gets caught by one of the Universal Soldiers, Luc and Veronica then try to rescue Eric and put a stop to the Universal Soldiers.

Univeral Soldier II: Brothers In Arms isn't has good as the first film or the official sequel but it is watchable and entertainingly cheesy in parts, it's worth a look.
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