Review of Dummy

Dummy (2002)
Has it's share of flaws, but is still enjoyable.
28 April 2008
It's painfully obvious that this is an indie movie. Not in a Juno/Garden State "I'm going to quirk you to death" kinda of way, but in that the story is not polished at all, there are a lot of loose ends that could have benefited from an extra scene or two, feels made for TV and is just plain blah. The idea was pretty neat, but there was absolutely no setup, and the only exposition to him wanting to get a dummy was him watching the movie at the very beginning.

All that said, it had plenty of cute and enjoyable moments. The whole romantic aspect was good, and I liked Mila Jovavich's character, who was perfectly annoying. And I found Adrien Brody's character, and by extension the dummy, pretty interesting.
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