My Least Favorite HGL Film
4 May 2008
I haven't seen too many HGL films but the ones I've seen are Two Thousand Maniacs, The Wizard of Gore, The Gore Gore Girls, Blood Feast, The Gruesome Twosome and now Color Me Blood Red. This was definitely my least favorite so far because it was dull and didn't even keep my attention for longer than 5 minutes. I think I might give on HGL because I've only liked two of his films so far.

The thing about Herschell Gordon Lewis is that his films are either so bad that they're good or so bad that they're unwatchable and not worth wasting time on. This film falls into the latter category. Bad acting, editing, writing, pacing, music placement and lighting are all expected of these films so those aren't what ruined this one for me. It was how it was dragged out and went on for too long even though it was under 90 minutes and where was the gore? After the two films that came before this, I expect a lot more gore, and it wasn't there. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to stick to Two Thousand Maniacs.
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