compelling footage spoiled by bad editing
6 May 2008
For a film about a genocide, it starts interestingly enough and then stalls out due to a terrible editing job. It jumps around from mostly random clip to mostly random clip, without any overarching narrative other than the Janjaweed and the Sudanese government are killing people in Darfur.

Some of the footage was quite compelling, but the viewer is not shown enough.

The film wastes time by focusing too much on the frustrations of the photographer as he tries to rally the American public on the issue. It becomes the "Brian Steidle Goes to Washington" show - and surprise! The gear of justice turn slowly, and too much time is spent on Brian and his ennui, his intense yearn for action...

The film should have focused more on Darfur and Brian's photography work there Brian's media work in the US and Europe.

Darfur is an important issue, and someone who is as committed as Brian Steidle deserves a better editor who can weave a much more compelling narrative.
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