The Twilight Zone: Stopover in a Quiet Town (1964)
Season 5, Episode 30
If you drink don't drive
7 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Stopover in a Quiet Town was actually one of the better episodes in the final season that the Twilight Zone aired. The story? An obnoxious couple wake up one morning in their dress clothes evidently passed out after a night on the town. When they awaken-they don't know where they are, they don't know how they got where they are at and they don't recognize anything or anyone.During the episode they try to uncover the mystery only to fall deeper into a maelstrom that makes no sense. They find no people in this small town and all objects and life "signs" are just "props" as if in a movie. They finally hear a train so they get on thinking it would take them to civilization again but they get off at the exact spot they got on. During the course of this entire episode they hear a girls voice laughing at them.Okay readers have you figured it out yet? Well lets just say a large human hand comes down from the sky to pick them up and I'll leave the rest to your imagination although it still may be hard to figure it out. Actually this story was very original and very neat(to use an old expression). However it has many flaws. As stated earlier the viewer does not truly sympathize with their situation because they are so obnoxious. There is a lot of very irritating bickering between the 2 blaming each other for the predicament they find themselves in.And even though the ending seems quite novel it feels more derivative. It does end with one of the funniest lines by Serling in the entire series-"The moral of this story is if you drink don't drive and if your wife has too maybe she shouldn't drive either".This is one of those episodes which really does pay off in the end if you can hang in there.
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