Sleep Dealer (2008)
Excellent NOT boring
8 May 2008
This movie was excellent and entirely not boring. It gave me chills at certain points. If you know anything about the privatization of water you will overly enjoy this movie. This is a take on how people are not connected to each other anymore and our ignorance/negligence helps large corporations/governments take us over and control us. The movie states a problem and brings about a touching solution with the help of well developed characters.

If you're a movie snob and can't get a useful message out of this film you didn't deserve to waste your money on it..

Watch this movie knowing that not a lot of money was spent on it.. It's not a 150 million dollar budgeted movie.. it used 2.5 million. I think Donnie Darko used about the same amount 7 years ago (to put into perspective). Rivera did an excellent job.
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