Review of Firstborn

Firstborn (1984)
Wasn't a fan... two dimensional characters
8 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't think this movie was all that good, probably why it isn't on DVD (as of Spring 2008).

I couldn't empathize with any of the characters. Collett's character was a smart ass punk (not funny, clever smart ass; but kids who hang out at 7/11 and make rude comments about female customers and try to get you to buy them beer smart ass). I felt pity for Teri Garr's character, but a lot of her character's problems were her own doing especially when she observed RoboCop being abusive to her kids... a real mother would probably cut his ***** off while he slept or at least abscond with her kids in the middle of the night while his ass was passed out drunk in the lazy boy.

Weller's character was pure evil with no redeeming humanity to make his character realistic/sympathetic or make this a more interesting story.

The plot reminded me of the story in "Sling Blade", but even the thoroughly rotten character portrayed by Dwight Yokkem (sp?) was human (though fatally flawed). Weller's cyborg Robocop character was more human than this guy...

2D characters in a 3D world, good guys v. bad guys - makes it clear who to root for and also makes this a simplistic, puerile movie...

Was this movie the culmination of Christopher Collets 15 minutes of fame? I don't see a lot done by him in the 1990's and beyond.
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