Review of Final Draft

Final Draft (2007)
Very slow, nearly boring psychological horror film.
8 May 2008
Paul Twist (James Van Der Beek) is a screenwriter, who suffering writer's block and he wasn't been writing for two years. When his friend/struggling actor David Hockin (Darryn Lucio) asks him to write another screenplay for him to star. After Paul mentions, he dreams about an clown was frighten about. David wants him to writes an supernatural slasher/horror film about the clown. Since Paul only has an idea in his head, when David made the deal. They want the script in three weeks and Paul thinks, the only way he could write it. If he's locked in his apartment for three weeks. When his friend agree with the odd situation. Now Paul starts writing his script but he also thinking of what went wrong with his ex-wife (Tara Spencer-Naim), his brother who committed suicide (Devon Sterling Ferguson), an bully from his childhood (Adam MacDonald), his imaginary friend (Jeff Roop), an model he fantasized a lot (Melaine Marden) and especially himself.

Directed by Jonathan Dueck made an OK watchable film but nearly dull surreal horror drama. This has an good premise, although it does reminds me of the work of Stephen King movies like "It" and especially "Secret Window". But oddly enough, it reminds worth a look for Van Der Beek's decent performance. Who certainly deserves better material than this movie. Nothing really makes sense in this unpleasant independent feature and some viewers will find this off-putting as well. Actor:Lucio also wrote the screenplay of this instead forgotten movie. (**/*****).
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