How Clean Is Your House? (2003–2009)
I love this show!
9 May 2008
I love this show but I don't think I've ever seen an entire episode because every time they give a cleaning tip I have to jump up and try it, and every time they show someone dusting under the bed or around the ceiling I go running for my Swiffer.

Seriously, though, what I really like about this show is that the homeowners are involved in the cleaning process and are shown how to clean properly, and then are given information about the nasty little bugs and germs that they've been living with due to their sheer laziness, and have you ever noticed that a good percentage of the homeowners are suffering from respiratory ailments that are easily cured or mitigated by nothing more complicated than a weekly dose of housecleaning? I also appreciate that the homeowners are not rewarded for their laziness and filthy living habits, as they are in similar American versions of this show, with new furniture and the services of a professional interior designer; all these people ever get is what they had to begin with, only cleaner.

I would love for this or any "clean-up" show to go back not two weeks later, but one year later, to see if anything they were told sunk in and if they did indeed change their way of life. Unfortunately I fear that with some of these people it's a little bit more than just not wanting to clean or not knowing how to clean; that there are underlying psychological problems that are not, and really cannot be addressed.

I know more than a few people here in the good ole US-of-A who could benefit from a visit from Kim and Aggie, but you'll have to excuse me now, because I just noticed a crumb on the floor that needs to be dealt with.
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