Moving and poetic story of doomed love.
11 May 2008
This gentle yet dramatic story of an ill-fated love affair between a colonial Brit (Linus Roach) and his beautiful Indian servant (Nandita Dass) reminds me of films of another era, perhaps Michael Powell's masterful Black Narcissus, where the mystical allure of India is powerfully dramatized. This simple yet effective story of longing, love, and sensuality, corrupted by jealously and betrayal, equally offers the viewer a canvas of raw color, dripping textures, and curious mysteries concealed within light and shadow. Films don't look like this any more, it is vivid and alive, and often reminds me of David Lean or John Ford. If the modern film world is harsh and uncompromising, this film's world is subtle and timeless... like India. The cast is superb, and I love the quiet torment and emotions of Rahul Bose, the man-servant with big trouble on his hands, and difficult choices to be made. Go see it for a movie experience long absent at the multiplex. Don't wait for the DVD - you won't be disappointed!
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