The Rat Thing (2007)
A Thing to appreciate.
13 May 2008
The term "Independent Film" gets thrown around a lot in Hollywood these days, however, most of the films put into this category have a pedigree that more closely resembles a small studio film - not an independent film. The Rat Thing, deftly written and directed by Kevin Keresey, is actually an independent film that aspiring filmmakers can point to and say, "good movies can be made outside of the studio system."

As a writer who's about to experience my first screenplay getting made into a film this summer, I can't begin to express what a miracle it is that any film gets made. I don't know the back story that led to the Rat Thing actually taking flight, but I do know that the rock solid screenplay was heavily sought after and it took tremendous courage (and perhaps balls the size of church bells), to pass up guaranteed money for the chance to make it on Keresey's own terms.

Without writing a Netflix type of synopsis, I will convey that the film has a style that is a throw back to 1970's film making - "California Split," "The Late Show," and "Thunderbolt and Lightfoot" all seemed to be films that may have influenced Keresey. His cast is capable and up to the challenge of handling the dialogue and moving the story forward. This film is not perfect. It doesn't have the gloss of a Michael Bay blockbuster, or the smile of Tom Cruise, but it does have the imperfect visage of an alley cat that moves confidently among the rich and in today's Hollywood, that makes us love this movie all the more.
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