Hill Street Blues: Freedom's Last Stand (1982)
Season 2, Episode 11
Loved Captain Freedom
20 May 2008
I just caught this again recently. There is just something so funny and touching about the whole episode, from Captain Freedom himself, to the really funny freak-out of the shoplifter girl!

Hill Street Blues made even the smallest parts mean something, while not slighting the beloved regulars.

Dennis Dugan (Captain Freedom) has mostly gone on to direct, but I sure enjoyed him as an actor.

If anybody has caught any non-IMDb mentions of him acting in recent years, how was he?

The whole series was pretty amazing, and now that I am catching random ones again, I get reminded of favorite characters:

--the guy from NYPD blue and the loud jacket salesman...a buddy team...I can't remember his name.

Anybody know?

Anybody else remember that shoplifter scene? THe guys were doing a stakeout in a drug store and to pass the time, they started flirting with a girl in the store.

She starts freaking out and pulls out of her bag a hair dryer, and a bunch of other junk and begs them not to arrest her, 'cuz she's seeing a shrink.
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