Good Morning World (2007– )
Pathetic Doesn't Begin to Describe "Good Morning World"
24 May 2008
"Good Morning World" is such a pathetic show I don't even know how to begin to write about how pathetic it is. The entire show is two guys who make their own morning show that looks like it's in their basement or something. Most of the jokes seem to be about how they are closet gays or maybe gay for each other or something but the jokes aren't funny. Also they have very red spray on tans that leave big white circles around their eyes and they wear almost the exact same suits. The show could be funny and they are performing an original idea in that there aren't other over-the-top-happy Morning Show parodies on the air but the bits just plain aren't funny and the way the show is cut together is just confusing nonsense. The two hosts sit at their desk making small talk then they look off to the side and go to a reporter or guest that is actually them. No other costumes or anything it is just supposed to be them cutting to them somewhere else, but it's never explained and the skits are painfully unfunny. I hope the show gets better, I only watched two episodes and like I said they were painfully bad but it could improve. I should say they also have other guests and it's not always just the two of them, for example the shows I saw had a lady with animals and an exercise expert.
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