Good documentary on important subject
27 May 2008
The subject (Hungarian Uprising of 1956), which has been unjustly neglected, is well worth filming and I learned things I hadn't known before or had forgotten. The movie itself is obviously the director's first feature, and as such it has both the flaws of a first feature and the promise of a director who has the main principle right: find a good story, especially one that has not been filmed before. One problem is that there is too much time devoted to talking heads, which got a bit boring, at least for me. The director might have used more of the talk (reminiscences and analysis) as voice-overs while showing archival footage, much of which is excellent. That could have tightened the film, which needed greater variety of pace and a sense of build-up. That said, I'm glad I saw it and I recommend it. It's good and worth seeing, but don't expect a masterpiece. Some of the comments about it are from the heart and draw on personal memories and more intimate (family?) knowledge of the events. I can't and don't argue with that, for this is valid. I write as someone not of Hungarian descent who is interested in the subject and in films. I wanted to like it more than I actually did, though I did.
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