December Boys (2007)
What The Big Deal About Having Parents Anyway?
27 May 2008
They say the best place to start is at the beginning, which is where our four main characters are introduced; Maps, Misty, Spit and Spark, otherwise known as the December Boys. The opening scenes take us to the boys home, an orphanage run by nuns in the Australian outback. Some might say this is a place of little excitement, so you can imagine their joy when being told they are to spend the summer in Ladystar Cove. Based on the edge of a seaside town noted for fairgrounds and fireworks, the cove provides the ideal backdrop for an emotional journey they will always remember.

The theme of love, romance, family, and friendship all play a role as the December Boys deal with the notion that one of them may be adopted, by a childless couple living in the cove. However, despite the inclusion of several co-stars, the writing focuses more on the boys who are superbly convincing. The cinematography is beautiful throughout with delightful scenic shots and close ups that capture the wonder of childhood.

I assumed the film was based in the 60's but there is no given time line and the chosen score is too post modern and does nothing to encapsulate that era. However, despite these flaws December boys contains plenty of small joys and touching scenes, with timely voice overs and good direction, this is a film deserving to be seen.
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