Review of Jericho

Jericho (2007 Video Game)
A worth while game
28 May 2008
Jericho is one of those Love/Hate games, especially if your a person looking for an intriguing and interesting plot. Unlike some games the stories are very bland, and i'm sorry to say this but Halo is one of them, it's the same goddamn story in parts 1 and 2, but 3 looks very different. However Jericho has a fairly interesting plot to go with it's horror genre. Although it is slightly confusing and is not explained very well or clearly in some parts, most of the time at the beginning of the game you'll feel bewildered from being suddenly thrown into a war zone.

On a brighter note, Jericho utilises some very impressive graphics which create a terrifying, yet outstanding environment, from real-time lighting, reflections, incredible detail and other various bits and bobs which make this game an experience to play. The action content is amazing, your hardly ever left in silence for long be it from the groans of your enemies, or the gunfire from allies mixed with the cries and screams of your men.

Jericho will not fail to satisfy even the most seasoned of horror genre fans.
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