Review of The Dummy

The Twilight Zone: The Dummy (1962)
Season 3, Episode 33
The Old "Switcharoo"
5 June 2008
Loved this episode and have a hard time believing more people didn't give it a much higher grade.Cliff Robertson gives an excellent yet understated performance as a Ventriloquist who may or may not be losing his mind.He takes his act all over the country and is quite a success except lately he has a real problem. He is convinced that his dummy (named Willie) is alive.It seems that the dummy is actually saying his own lines on stage and tries to torment him when offstage.The matter is further complicated by the fact that he is also developing into an alcoholic.His manager thinks he's crazy and that his self destructive behavior and bizarre visions are ruining both his career and his sanity not to mention the act itself..His manager says "adios amigo" and Jerry's nightmare reaches epic proportions.He locks the dummy in the trunk but still sees visions of him everywhere and hears the dummy taunt him no matter where he goes. And then....... ? well-maybe one of the best executed shocks of any Twilight episode. OK I know the knocks-that its derivative, that its predictable and that it has been "done before".The movie "Dead of Night" often comes to mind along with Hitchcocks TV episode entitled "The Glass Eye".But in all fairness this episode stands very well on its own.The viewer is unsure whether the Dummy is real and when we reach the end well- NO ONE would expect the shocking yet ironic twist. There is a lot to admire about this episode. First of all the acting is truly outstanding-Robertson is excellent and very convincing as a desperate man who may be losing his mind and Sutton is equally good as his estranged agent.Also the direction is brilliant ranking right up there with "Eye of the Beholder". The stark backgrounds,the frantic camera shots and the surrealistic images plus the editing helps puts us in Jerry's world. And then there is the shock at the end-and no matter what people say no one could ever predict or expect it

I know that this episode seems derivative but give Serling and the director's credit.The ending is both fascinating and truly original This was one of the most entertaining episodes from the series and it will suck you right into the story and not let go-not even during the commercials. This is one act you DON'T want to miss
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