Follow 'The Bouncin' Shamrock'
9 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of those old musical cartoons in which a couple of songs are played and then, in the final few minutes, it's a sing-a-long. In this case, we follow "the bouncin' shamrock" to the tune of "McNamara's Band."

Earlier, we get a bunch of sight gags that are really sight-puns (if there is such a phrase) such as the city of Cork being shown as little corks popping out of chimneys. We see a flower singing, which turns out to be "a wild, Irish rose," of course. All of the jokes are harmless and it's really a tribute to Irish and its uniqueness. Yeah, there is a lot of 'blarney,' but it's done in fun.

It's okay but very, very dated and not something I would think kids and adults would get a lot of entertainment out of today.
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