The Privileged Planet (2004 Video)
Re: Haters--grow up.
13 June 2008
Yes, it is an intelligent design film and it makes no pretenses about it. If it were trying to be deceptive or misleading, it would not be named after the book, nor would it feature the author!

Production value? It was non-profit. Read the label.

Yes, it has an agenda. Films with an agenda are not a bad thing! Pro-evolution films push an atheist agenda. ID films push a creationist (though not necessarily Christian) agenda. Michael Moore films push an anti-Bush agenda. Get over it; the filmmakers hold beliefs. It's within in their right to showcase them. Go make your own "Case for Cro-Magnon" if it bothers you that much.

And please use spell check before posting, kids.

Most everything great about the film has been highlighted by other reviewers, so I won't parrot them. Some of the animations were repeated, and the music got a bit repetitive after a while. But I'm being nit picky. It was a great educational film, made by some very intelligent people.
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