The Slaughter (2006)
It started here
15 June 2008
After the Texas Chainsaw Massacre-which was genuinely frightening-the floodgates opened for what became the Video Nasty. You can't argue with the blurb which namechecks Leatherface but what follows is more than absurd. It starts off quite boringly as the students-how original-are detailed to clean up an empty house. Which then becomes an excuse to throw in Zombie Flesh Eaters as the acting is appalling-they must have been students in reality but obviously not students of acting. With someone attempting to philosophise along the way-about sex what else?-the story is virtually non existent and while the TCM bore some resemblance to a true story this one has more in common with a horror comic. The 1 star is for the music at the beginning-it sounded quite ambient!
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