The Two Paths (1911)
Good Short
20 June 2008
Two Paths, The (1911)

*** (out of 4)

D.W. Griffith melodrama about two sisters who take different roads in life. The wild sister (Dorothy Bernard) moves off to the big city to become the mistress of a millionaire while the calmer sister (Linda Arvidson) stays at home and marries for love. This is yet another melodrama from Griffith but once again he handles the material beautifully and delivers a pretty strong statement film. Griffith does a brilliant job at showing time pass with his simple editing and he manages to float around to both sister's story without ever making the film confusing or hard to follow. The director also uses a lot of symbolistic things to get the story across and my favorite was the scene where the bad sister is welcomed into the club of the rich people with the simple use of a curtain coming open. Bernard does a terrific job with her role. Donald Crisp, Lottie Pickford, Blanche Sweet, Charles West, Dorthy West and Wildred Lucas appear in brief roles.
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