23 June 2008
I saw this film at New York's Asian Film Festival this year and the emcee even called it a "chick flick", but one you should like. He was right, it is a pretty terrific one. It centers on the relationship between Yoko, who is about in her mid twenties and ten year old Kaoru, a quiet girl who needs someone to notice her. Yoko is the girlfriend of Kaoru's dad after his wife left (let me stop here and explain something that makes the story so much better: The film does not center on the relationship between Yoko and the father-if it did this film would have been terrible, because you wonder why someone Yoko's age would be with a 40ish shady used car dealer. Its never fully explained and it doesn't have to be. Instead its all about Yoko and Kaoru, thank goodness). The two actresses Yuko Takeuchi (Yoko) and Kana Matsumoto (Kaoru) are wonderful. They are both actresses to watch, especially Ms. Takeuchi. Yoko teaches Kaoru things like riding a bike, takes her to the beach and generally takes her under her wing. Yes, thats one of the definitions of a chick flick, and I loved it. Unless you do not like these kinds of films, I would highly recommend it. I really cared for the characters of Yoko and Kaoru and thats about the best endorsement for a film there could be.
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