The Last Chancers (2004– )
Absolute perfection!
28 June 2008
Quite simply this is the best TV series ever created. By some distance. A must see for anyone who's played in a band, spent any time in Brighton, likes music or indeed anyone who possesses a human head. Inter-band relationships, Australian stereotypes and the struggle for creative fulfilment are all portrayed with unerring accuracy. Lead characters are perfectly drawn and even the cameos such as the jaded DJ and the cynical photographer have a knowing resonance. Adam Buxton in the lead role of band-leader Johnny walks the fine line between delusional loser and sensitive anti-hero with aplomb. Imagine Spinal Tap meets The Office. Only better. Not a word, note or nuance out of place. Funny, sad, pathetic, and inspirational this is one to watch again and again. When's the soundtrack being released?
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