Good dance movie
28 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I think a lot of the people who commented on this movie before me were way too harsh. This is a teenage dance movie. If your not a teenager or into dance your not gonna get into it. Granted SOME of the script wasn't that great but I thought the basic heart of the story was good. I really don't get why all you people go out of your way to pick a movie apart. This is not some boring life affirming drama,this movie is for fun! So take it like that enjoy the fairy tale where everything works out and get a life.

Another thing,you have got to be kidding me with all the comments about bad acting,they were not that bad! The only time I found them bad was when the script made them say stupid crap. Oh and about them acting all "thug" like,are you serious?! Do you people even know any teenagers? ANY? Black white whatever? That is how they talk! Its not exaggerated!
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