Review of Mercy Streets

Mercy Streets (2000)
Bad Words and other thoughts
28 June 2008
Why do people feel that foul language MUST be used to make a movie good. We are so indoctrinated in gutter language now that we feel it is not "real" if a movie does not contain it. How about the STORY, folks? How about the characters? Plot? Timing? Why is it that we can accept the old "classics" that never contained any serious swearing, but we have to dis a newer movie that omits such language? It just shows how low we have sunken as a society. Mercy Streets was a really good movie on every level. A lack of swear words should have nothing to do with how one judges it.

In terms of the acting (it seemed realistic), the pacing (it moved along quickly), the story (it was compelling), and the editing (it was contemporary and well done),the movie worked on all levels. I am very suspicious of people who reject movies because they are "Christian" but accept just passable movies like "Blair Witch". It's funny that movies that deal with occult issues, which are also supernatural, as are Christian themed movies, are somehow OK, but Christian ones are not in the eyes of many people. I think it is actually the message Christian movies put forth that many people do not want to accept and deal with in their own lives that cause them to criticize them.

Just one man's opinion.
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