Nazi Gold!
30 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Perry is in Paris when he's asked to fly over to Germany to see a young Army officer who's gotten involved with the lovely German songstress Helga (Jean Beutel). Perry's an old family friend, and gets there just in time to investigate the murder of Joe Ferrell (Jim Davis) his friend's commanding officer and the mystery of some Nazi gold supposedly hidden in a Swiss lake.

Being in Europe, Perry doesn't have Della or Paul to rely on, but he is surrounded by many familiar faces including Robert Corthwaite as Duval (seen in 5 Mason episodes), Gerald Mohr as alcoholic Hollywood actor Alan Dupree (4 episodes) and Harry Townes as a helpful American colonel (5 episodes). Mohr is particularly outstanding in his part, channeling a bit of Bogart and Errol Flynn in his final days.

This is a well photographed and well directed show. You almost wish they had been doing the occasional 90 minute Perry Mason TV movie back then, because this might have been a good one to expand on.
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