Review of Double Exposure

Swingtown: Double Exposure (2008)
Season 1, Episode 3
Double Exposure has more than one (or two) meanings on "Swingtown"
4 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, so in this episode, Susan suddenly wants to go to church after she and Bruce hadn't gone for a while and they take their kids with them. How convenient Janet and Roger is there (but their son isn't). Susan asks old friend Janet for a welcoming party at her new home which Janet accepts. At the party, new neighbors Tom and Trina, the swingers, also turn up along with Brad and Sylvia, the couple we met at the Playboy club last episode. They upset whatever balance Janet had control over the proceedings. Susan, however, opens up a little more when she tears the wallpaper she hated and invites everyone to write anything on it. Trina also warms a little over frosty Janet when she asks for one of her recipes which Janet writes on the wall. On the teens' side, Susan's son's attempts to bond over the druggie woman neighbor's daughter is slow going especially when his previous best friend says he doesn't like it, and his sister is spending time with her summer school teacher at the library, after closing, searching books that have stayed on the shelf for about five years. The time there has her kissing her teacher that she had a crush on for a while. At show's end, Susan and Bruce resolve to be more open to each other before filming, for the first time, themselves having sex...Another compelling of "Swingtown". Best surprise for me was when after Susan tore the wallpaper down, she also fixed the top part of her dress so that her shoulders were bare. What a woman! That kiss from her teen daughter to her teacher almost chilled me but since the man didn't return it, maybe it won't lead to something more pervy. Trina sure likes to spice things up with that fondue, doesn't she! And I loved that conversation between the fathers and sons about how the Playboy women weren't "real"! Oh, and I didn't spot any anachronisms concerning music this time. So for all that, this was another enjoyable episode of "Swingtown". Until next time...
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