funny & honest look at
7 July 2008
I was fortunate to see Holding Trevor and this film can and should propel all the principles into more film work.

Brent Gorski wrote the script and stars but he has written story lines that enable each of the 4 main characters to shine.

Director Rosser Goodman shows us a believable look at a tight-knit group of friends in LA. (Please don't think: 'The Hills'. These friends live probably in the flats -- geographically and perhaps philosophically miles away.) They're gay, straight, funny, caring but these aren't 'sit-commy' friends. I'm sure if you see this film you'd say: 'I know somebody just like that.'

Goodman strikes just the right tone of humor and pathos. We can relate to the twists and turns life takes while we're trying to find happiness.

On top of that -- good music, too!

Sometimes the phrase "low-budget movie' may not inspire one to go see it. But, that would be too bad because honest, heartfelt films made by passionate filmmakers should be supported.
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