Review of 1408

1408 (2007)
A True Psycho Horror
8 July 2008
I have heard lots of good reviews about this film so i thought to give it a try by renting it. I was also very sure about John Cusack's performance skill and Samuel Jackson was also a part of this movie. Frankly speaking, I was a little hesitant about the film maker Mikael Hafstrom because i had seen his movie Derailed. But when i watched this movie, I now feel like getting this film in my personal collection.

John Cusack is a novelist who is famous for writing in spooky genre. We see him also going to various Haunted Hotels and researching on Paranormal Activities. Till he gets an anonymous 'Challenged' invitation to enter Dolphin Hotel that is located on the busy streets of New York and to stay in the room 1408. The curiosity brings Cusack to the hotel and there he meets up with the manager Samuel Jackson. Despite of several warnings, Cusack lands up in the room 1408 and what happens with him in the room is the rest of the film. This film has now made me scared to live in a Hotel Room. I mean in the coming future, If i check into any hotel, This movie will always be on my mind scaring the hell out of me.

Performancewise, This film altogether belongs to the protagonist John Cusack. He comes up with Yet Another awesome performance. In fact this performance was according to me, His most awaited one. Samuel Jackson has hardly a role that doesn't last for more than 15 minutes. But Samuel still performed very well. The background score was a plus in this movie. It really scares you.

As i wrote earlier, I was a little hesitant by the film maker on this movie, But i am very glad to say that the Film Maker proved me wrong here. Mikael handled this script in a very brilliant way. The cinematography and the Special Effects added feather to Mikael's cap. I will go ahead and strongly recommend this movie to any Psycho Horror lover as it stands up to all the expectations!!!
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