How stupid can you get?
16 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Um... Duh... Ah... Who needs ten lines when one will do? Now let's see... One... Two... Three... Almost there. Now here it comes! Hang on to your seats because it's a real spoiler. At the core of this film lies the profoundly disturbing revelation that can be best expressed by the following: I looked into it, and after a few minutes I realized that it was too deep for me. There! Nothing new. Been there, done that, and you and I and the endearing people of Minnesota do not need to be reminded by some artsy-fartsy indie film-maker that we are all just a bunch of dumbass fools.

Still not enough lines for submission?! I give up. What does one have to do to have one's opinions heard? Beat a pithy insight to death with a redundancy of words? Redundant? Now that's this film in a word.
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