Ex Drummer (2007)
Trainspotting x10
19 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
When a famed Belgian author joins forces with a trio of rock wannabes he provides us with an insight into the debauched underworld that these three stooges struggle to exist in. This film is quite simply one of the most disturbing pictures I have ever come across. The misogyny and general contempt for mankind here leaves a bitter taste in the mouth sweetened only by the innovative cinematography and wonderfully creative direction of Belgian director Koen Mortier. The content in places is so horrific that it is difficult to be amused by the black humour and we are given not one character to empathise with thus hurrying ones appetite for their inevitably lurid demise. Probably best served with an episode of Friends after the film to ensure that you can sleep OK. Not one for the kiddies.
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