Review of Death Proof

Death Proof (2007)
Average Movie
19 July 2008
I'm not sure what happened here, I'm a big fan of Quentin Tarantino, I've gathered even dolls and figurines of his movies...I'm also a huge fan of Kurt Russell, ever since I saw Tango & Cash a long time ago I fell in love with his attitude, he was the greatest "bad-A" in the movie business...

So what happened? The movie is one big blah blah blah! there's just one scene where everything seems scary and chilling, but that's it, one lonely scene in the entire movie, the rest of the time you'll find yourself drowned in girl chats and boring stories about irrelevant subjects, it's just non-sensical talk that goes on for endless hours.

So, it's still Quentin Tarantino directing Kurt Russell, there are some details here and there that are 100% worthwhile, but the movie as a whole is just tedious and really monotonous, sadly enough I bought the unrated version of the film(with extra footage)...I'm about to commit suicide...well, not really, at least they gave me a coupon for "Planet Terror", and that film is a true masterpiece.
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