Review of 3

The X-Files: 3 (1994)
Season 2, Episode 7
A lot of people will hate it
20 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Yup, I still this much despised Vampire episode.

It's just like last Season's 'Shapes'. A lot of people will hate it because it's a cliché storyline. and more fans will hate it because Scully doesn't appear in it. Just like any episodes where either Mulder or Scully have sex with anyone other than each other. Damned fan girls.

I love vampires, and I find this episode to be extremely erotic. The sexual tension between Kristen and Mulder has been far stronger than between Mulder and Scully. Don't hate me, i'm just telling the truth. I heard that David Duchovny was dating Perry Reeves when they filmed this episode. Perhaps it's why I felt such a strong sexual connection between the two. My favorite scene was probably when she was shaving him, and tried to taste some of his blood.

I also love the way this episode ends, she took her own life to kill the others. I think that it was clever written. G

It gets FOUR stars from me.
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