As Seen on the CD Cover
21 July 2008
The title of the film says it all. It's aptly titled 'The Worst Horror Movie Ever Made' and it delivered its promises. I think it should not be called the best of its genre only, as I really think this is a serious contender for the Worst Movie Ever Made.

The film has all the ingredients to make it an abominable film. Poorly scripted dialogues, lame actors & actresses, childish make-ups, not-so-funny scenarios, and the none existent storyline / plot. Perfect !

I do not know whether to get angry because the film is an utter crap, or to blame myself by watching it even though I should have known what to expect, worst horror film. I guess I'll blame it on the latter, as I failed to heed the warning. However, forgive my ignorance. As many times before, even though the front cover of the film speak of praise of the film, some of the time the film is anything but nice.

Anyway, film viewers who like B-horror flick might like this film. To the rest of us, find other film instead.
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