Taxi: The Great Line (1978)
Season 1, Episode 6
Can a "great" pick-up line really work??
21 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
"Taxi" is one of my all-time favorite TV series, and I have been watching TV for about 55 years. I am now re-watching all episodes on DVD, each is about 24 minutes.

This episode starts with all usual cabbies having drinks at their local favorite bar. Humor starts early when Tony challenges another patron to beer guzzling -- $50 to the winner. Well Tony starts in earnest but the other man watches for 1 second then in one quick motion swallows the whole contents of a mug of beer. The man in real life is Bill Foster who billed himself as "the fastest beer drinker in the world." He really was amazing to see.

Anyway, to the story, the guys see 3 attractive girls at a table and discuss how to get their attention. They convince new cabbie Randall Carver as John Burns to use the line, "Let's just skip everything and get married." Well, it works, sort of. Ellen Regan as Suzanne Caruthers is the girl and she and John spend the whole night talking at their own table. A fun episode, to see where it will take us.

(As an aside, later in the show Louie decides to challenge the beer guzzler, and everyone was expecting him to lose. But right before they drank Louie asked the bartender, "Did you ever find the other half of that rat in the beer barrel?" Louie proceeded to drink while the guzzler just stood there with a puzzled look. Louie won the money.)

SPOILERS: John gets back to work and everyone wants to know what happened. He explained that they got married. Each one of them expected the other to stop it, but neither did. (Sort of like the 'Going to Abilene' story.) In the end after they first decided they should get the marriage annulled, they instead decided to give it a chance to work.
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