Pretty Good
23 July 2008
First off, viewers should realize that this series is about a marine recon team. This is not about the army, navy, air force, etc. Most armed forces members will tell you that the people in the Marines are a different breed from other members. They are often by nature, more aggressive, angry, patriotic, racist, need to prove something, excited to kill something, etc. If you get annoyed by that, then don't watch Generation Kill. Regardless, the series is good because, although the series isn't a deep philosophical "thin red line",(judging by the demeanor and mentality of a lot of the soldiers in the film it would seem a bit unrealistic), it is an honest portrayal of the mindset, expectations, and mentality of these specific groups of soldiers. Another strong point is the relatively lack of action. This is also an honest portrayal. Much of war is 95% of sitting around, doing random chores, getting bored out of your mind, mixed in with 5% of terror and serious fighting which can shake anyone's mental foundation and nerves. . I feel this series captured this rather well.

The only downside to the film was David simon's typecasting of the obnoxious character from season 2 of the wire (wire fans will know what im talking about). It was good once, but not twice. Additionally, Skarsgard acting is rather wooden and questionable, particularly his accent, which ranges from southern, to standard, to something I've never heard of. I've lived in Scandinavia for quit some time so i've come quite accustomed to hearing their English, which is mostly excellent, but there are still hints.

Agree with the war or not, this series shows the bravery, albeit at times maniacal nature of men, who go into action when called upon.
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