On the money!
24 July 2008
I have to commend Kelley for his work on this film, for more than a couple of reasons. First of all, he LITERALLY risked his life in bringing this story to the public, and was threatened on more than a few occasions. The reason that I know that this story is so accurately told is that I was an inmate in the Arkansas Department of CORRUPTION for about 5 years, at exactly the time all of this was taking place. I could not give blood, because I have had Malaria more than once. It stays in your blood for as long as you live, and if someone is given MY blood, they get the additional gift of Malaria. I was told by several other inmates that they didn't care down at the blood bank whether you had ever had, or currently had, any blood borne diseases. I went and asked myself, because Arkansas doesn't pay inmates ANYTHING for working, so if you want soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, etc., Your family (or someone) has to send you money so you can buy those things off the commissary, at a greatly enhanced price. I told the 'nurse' I had contracted Malaria while in the Marine Corps, and she told me that it didn't matter, "Take a seat." I left without giving blood. I spoke with Kelley several times, and referred him to others he could talk to about the blood bank, but I refused to be interviewed for the film, because I didn't want to end up dead... like several dozen other folks from Arkansas who have gotten in Clinton's way over the years. But, I can tell you this... the film is TRUE and is FACTUAL. It really did happen, and the political "powers that be" kept it covered quite well. After all, who are most folks gonna believe... a convict? Or an upstanding government employee? The "Good 'Ol Boy" system of "Just-Us" was alive and well in Arkansas, until the liar and crook got elected President, and the Lt. Liar & Thief went to federal prison, which made State Senator Mike Huckabee the Governor, then things began to change. But, then again, why believe me... I'm just an ex-con, not a REAL human being.
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